

A Heavy Burden… 

Offense Weighs Down The Spirit –

Unshackle Yourself. 

(P.S: My website was down for 5 days March 25 -29 so the haikus did not upload each day I attempted to post. Working to Update My site. Will re-upload all 5 haikus. Thanks for your patience.)



One Thing You Can Do,

As Everything Falls Apart…

Choose To Take A Breath!


(P.S: My website was down for 5 days March 25 -29 so the haikus did not upload each day I attempted to post. Working to Update My site. Will re-upload all 5 haikus. Thanks for your patience.)



When The Brook Dries Up,

Easy Fruit, Now Slim Pickings…

Go Out On A Limb!


(P.S: My website was down for 5 days March 25 -29 so the haikus did not upload each day I attempted to post. Working to Update My site. Will re-upload all 5 haikus. Thanks for your patience.)



Temptations Assail,

Luring Away From Virtue…

Find Your Deeper Why.


(P.S: My website was down for 5 days March 25 -29 so the haikus did not upload each day I attempted to post. Working to Update My site. Will re-upload all 5 haikus. Thanks for your patience



Miracles Abound…

Take A Good Look Around You –

Such Amazing Grace! 

(P.S: My website was down for 5 days March 25 -29 so the haikus did not upload each day I attempted to post. Working to Update My site. Will re-upload all 5 haikus. Thanks for your patience.)