Abundance (Part 3) – The Importance of Sharing your Talents, no matter how “Small”! (Preview)

This brief post is an exercise in sharing your talents no matter how little. I wrote several poems in my twenties. But I never showed them to anyone. I didn’t consider myself a writer or a poet. I just wrote out of necessity. It was as if I couldn’t contain it any longer and just had to write. I have since filled books with poems, songs and essays. I had to stifle this part of myself for medical school. Only since I started this blog did I truly embrace the fact that I need to write. I don’t just write because I want to to… I need to.

So, in celebration of National Poetry Month, I have dug up an old poem of mine written in 2000, published in TypeCast (The Brody School of Medicine Student Art & Literary Magazine Edition 2, 2008. I don’t call myself a poet, but the words call and I answer! 🙂 I will post old poems of mine through out the month. Enjoy! See you next time!

*Never Settle*
Gripped by a sense of urgency
The feeling came so suddenly
And I wonder,
Why it hadn’t come sooner.

See, I’ve been living in mediocrity,
Complacent in rigidity
Surrounded by the deceits of routine.

My destiny evaded me for so long
But my sense of purpose stayed strong.
Look at my reality
Can’t seem to figure out
Why the fire burns within my heart

There’s something on the brink of happening.

Moments pass me by without fanfare
Each fleeting minute fills me with despair
And I wonder
Why my passion never disappears

I’m confounded by the intensity
Of my conviction filled with certainty
That this life with all its season
is guided by its reasons.

And though I may not comprehend
The things that break and never mend
Or what messages the universe could send
I pledge to give my all
I’m possessed,
Never Settle for second best.

– Yvonne Whitelaw​

Yvonne Whitelaw  writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her Daily Haikus and lessons along the way (most Mondays and Thursdays), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted  humanitarians, visionaries and idealists like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”