Connectedness (Part 0) – Before this, A Necessary Prerequisite…

You can’t give what you don’t have…

Before you can truly give love to others, you must first have love to give.

Or else, it can become dysfunctional, manipulative, clingy… An unhealthy twist that comes from a finite source. Often contaminated by fear…

But, to give love that is pure, unconditional, liberating, even healing, it helps to have a different source.

Where does that love come from?

Imagine a cup filled and running over… oceans, with waves crashing, one after the other…

Imagine the infinite universe, constantly expanding…

Actually, there are multiverses… many universes, with unfathomable constellations, new celestial globes discovered daily…

Now imagine, a Love that vast, even more…

That is only the beginning of God’s Love for you… Receive it. Really spend some time soaking it in…

Now imagine your heart filled and running over…

Yes, God Loves You. That simple. Unconditionally. Now matter what you have done, no matter where you’ve been, no matter where you are headed…

God Loves You.

This post was inspired by Maya Angelou who broke down in tears during an interview with Oprah as she shared the moment she truly realized God loved her.

Now what would your live look like if you really believed it? How would you love? How would you forgive? How would you connect?

How would it feel to spend some time basking in God’s love and letting it seep into your bones?

God loves You. God Loves Me.

Receive it. Then go give it.

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way, she hopes you will be inspired to live your ideals and ultimately live your calling.