Consistency (Part 3) – Risk Showing up… Even Imperfectly.

This is me showing up, fighting against the odds, standing up and letting my voice be heard.

Even if all I have to say is “Present”.

How about you? Where do you need to show up, even if it means being imperfect? What do you need to say? What if silence will suffice?

Don’t let perfectionism rob you of the good you can do today. Do the very best you can do and leave the rest for another day.

Have a great day!

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way (every Monday and Thursday), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted warriors like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”