Daily Haiku – #JesusIsRisen #HappyEaster

#JesusIsRisen #HappyEaster

Jesus died for all

Took our pain and suffering

So we can be free.

#yvonnetrieshaiku #100daysofhaiku



This Easter Day, I have something on my heart I’d like to share…

Some of you know I am a Christian, a Jesus Devotee… this means that my heart belongs to Jesus. My heart has been breaking over how the name of Jesus has been used to promote hate and bigotry. Jesus loves everyone. He valued and hung out with people considered fringe… prostitutes, thieves, foreigners, widows, orphans.. he was called a glutton and a drunk. Jesus was a feminist – he affirmed women in a culture that devalued them. He hung out with the poor and the rich… He hung out with all kinds of people and they were transformed by His presence. He was a radical and was killed for it. As a woman, an immigrant who happens to have brown skin, married to a man with cream-colored skin, who is friends with people who are gay, muslim, evanglical christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, yogi, agnostic, atheist, foreigners, americans, I stand with all who feel isolated, discriminated against and ostracized… I stand with those who feel invisible, alienated for their beliefs, race, background… There is a better way…. We can love and respect one another. Jesus loves everyone. All lives matter and I love you. ‪#‎Solidarity‬ ‪#‎Silenceofourfriends‬ ‪#‎ALLLivesMatter‬‪#‎HappyEaster‬