How to Stop Sleepwalking Through Your Life – Part 2

Each person has a Divine calling. You and I were born for a unique purpose.

I have been designed with an inherent set of ideals which resonate deeply for me whenever I encounter them or live them.

My true North.

I am learning that in order to live my calling, I have to live my ideals.

When I decided to stop sleepwalking through my life, I noticed that I had unknowingly drifted away from a life that truly reflected what I believed in.

For example, I love music – I am really passionate about the guitar but I never practiced. I love positive, enthusiastic people with a zest for life but I was surrounded by negative, unmotivated people who constantly complained and drained me.

You are who you attract. And you become the company you keep. I realized I had drifted off course and was living ideals I did not even believe in.

I am still awake because I choose to plug in, align with my God-given ideals and head True North. Walking in the direction of the Caller, guided by the internal compass of my ideals…

This blog tells the story of my journey to living authentically. Going deeper, climbing higher… Onward and Upward, remembering and living my truth.

Living my calling.

I don’t know exactly what.

But I have heard the call. It is not enough to hear it, I choose to turn and face it. It is not enough to face it. I choose to walk in the direction of the Caller… With my ideals pointing true North, I walk. Sometimes I am distracted by my expectations, the good intentions of others, old dreams, old loves…

But daily, by tuning in, I am realigned, guided, comforted…

And by embracing these ideals, I am embrace my true self.

And I let go… A daily decision…Letting go of perfectionism, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being judged and jeered.

Developing my strengths. Living an empowered life. Focusing on the things that energize me.

My ideals are many and each one rings true. I commit to exploring and applying an ideal daily. In return, I would love to hear how it resonates with you. Together, we can grow from a daily practice of each selected ideal.

Who am I? Does it matter? Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. This is not about me. It has never been. It is about something bigger that us. I will continue to share my story in order to illustrate a lesson I learning. But I have learned that I go astray when I make it about me.

The question is: Does this resonate with you?

Don’t go alone. I did and fell asleep again and again.

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