Kindness – How Strangers came to my rescue on Mother’s Day


Mother’s day…

There I was, deftly maneuvering my jogging stroller along the uneven sidewalks of Baltimore.

Run, Yvonne, run!

I had my new 26.2 app.

Nothing was going to stop me. It was Mother’s Day. My younger daughter had a fever. My husband and daughter were off to church. I had just finished streaming an awesome live sermon by Stephen Furtick. (It was on Pinterest and taking of the masks of perfectionism. Look it up.)

I was fired up.

Bring on the obstacles. Come what may, I will go out running. I can do this!

As I ran, people yelled “Happy Mother’s day”. It was fun. Seeing restraurants jam-packed with mothers and their loved ones, each mother beautifully adorned with flowers and their Sunday best.

And there I was sweaty, unadorned but happy to be out in the beautiful sunshine.

“Because I’m happy… come along if you feel like happiness is the____”


My phone fell through the slats of a street drain grate, shattering on impact. Thankfully, I could still see the components of the phone lying on the brick floor 3 feet below, only a few inches from the drain pipe to the Chesapeake bay.


According to strengthfinder 2.0, my top strength is Strategic. So, in usual problem-solving creative mode, I ran to the nearby cafe and seeing a woman on crutches, I begged her. She graciously sat in a chair and let me borrow one crutch.

Seriously? Wow.

I ran back and tried to retrieve my phone components with the crutch. Every man who walked by me tried to help or offer suggestions. We tried duct tape. We tried the crutch at different angles. We searched for some high-reach hooks. Nothing.

45 minutes in the scorching sun.

Return crutch to poor injured lady sitting in a chair in the hot sun.

Finally, the young man who had been the most engaged helper tried a shovel. Success at last! We all cheered. New friends through this shared ordeal.

Moved and elated, I couldn’t thank them enough.

Home. Couldn’t find my keys. Are you kidding me?

Another stranger, walked up to my door with my keys. They had fallen out of the same stroller pocket which contained my phone. I thanked him.

I was so moved by the sacrificial acts of kindness from these men and one injured woman. They all sacrificed comfort and time on a scorching mother’s day to help a random woman who did not look like she belonged there. And I will never forget it.

How will you practice kindness today?

Here’s how:
1. Initiate contact.
2. Step out of your comfort zone.
3. Be Present. Your presence is more important than you think.
4. Give what you can, no matter how insignificant or small it appears.
5. Be bold. If you can give big, go big.
6. Stay the course. Follow through.
7. Smile. If you complain, or have an unpleasant disposition, the receiver will feel like a burden.

Remember, Kindness benefits not only the receiver but also the giver. Enjoy your weekend. Share your acts of kindness (either received or given) below!