Resilience (Part 1) – Getting Up When Life Knocks You Down

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” – Helen Keller

What is it that makes some resilient and others not?

Some go through the most heinous of tragedies, getting knocked down again and again… Some never seem to catch a break… Every time you look, some disaster has struck…

Sometimes it gets so bad, you think, “gosh, that’s it… I give up. I will never love again, I will never live again… this time I am broken for sure, irreparably… and I will never recover… ”


Something deep within stirs… you awaken again…

After that sucker punch you thought had knocked you out, you find yourself, gasping and grasping, reaching up, your knees buckling, then staggering, then walking…

You are up and at it again…


Resilience… That indomitable spirit, rises again and again…

It says, “You are not done… This is not the end for you.”

Stand up. Try again. Flex, Bend so you won’t break…

Get some rest. Try another day.

You come out to the Arena with courage and faith and empathy… Ready to take on the challenge, to fight for what you want… And you get beaten… badly…

Humiliation, shame, anguish, failure, guilt, Loss…

What now?

Do you stay down for the count?

Do not stand there staring at the closed door.

Your life has a purpose. Your life has meaning…

You have a whole path ahead of you…

Don’t stand there, staring at the closed door…

Look around, there is an open window somewhere…

As long as you have breath, you have options… Get in a positive space, then look…

Studies in positive psychology show that you are more likely to notice or come up with creative solutions when you are in a positive or optimistic state.

Deep breath, listen to some music, pray, exercise, read scripture, meditate, dance… get in a positive mindset and you will see that solution rising from the ashes of your dreams…

Nothing is wasted.


You got knocked down? It’s okay… Take time to cry, reach out for support and then, dust yourself off, gather your ideals and try again.

You are a warrior! You can do this!

Cultivating Resilience
1. In what ways has Life Knocked you down?
2. What are your options?
3. Whom can you count on for support?
4. Have you taken the time to grieve your loss?
5. In what ways can you get into a positive mindset?
6. What values do you need to take into the Arena with you?
7. What closed door at you still staring at? Can you walk away?

Nothing is wasted. Gather your values, and walk boldly back to the Arena and Dare to fight again! See you next week!

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way (every Monday and Thursday), she hopes to serve and inspire a tribe of wholehearted warriors like you, to “live your ideals, live your calling and change the world.”