Grace – You are not alone… and you have everything you need.


For a long time, I did not understand the concept of grace. I am a Christian so I have heard this word more than I can count. As a child, I heard ” By God’s grace” used when one really wanted something but couldn’t be certain of its occurrence. Sometimes it was to display humility when declaring a bold plan without wanting to appearing arrogant or presumptuous.

Merriam-Webster dictionary describes grace as “a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward; disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency; a pleasing appearance or effect”.

The most popular definition of Grace is “God’s unmerited favor”. This was my first understanding of it. I liked it. It is having someone like you without doing anything to gain it. You are loved and favored unconditionally and without merit. I liked that and it worked well for me.

Then, I came across a definition that rocked my world. Joyce Meyer described it as “God’s willingness to use His infinite resources to meet my needs”. For a long time this quote saved me from imploding from worry over my life, my desires and concerns. Knowing that God was willing meant that I wasn’t an inconvenience. I didn’t have to worry about bothering God. I am always provided for willingly. I just have to ask.

Now, I am mulling over Grace in a different way.

Grace. This time, not the noun, but the verb.

The dictionary describes the verb grace as “to do honor or credit to someone or something by one’s presence”. “to decorate or add beauty to something”.

You hear this all the time. For example, ” she graced us with her presence for years”.

For me, this is the missing link. Grace as a verb.

What I need the most is God’s presence. Sometimes, my needs are great and overwhelming, worries about career, parenting, relationships can haunt me…

But everything seems to fall into place… things fall into perspective when I can pull away and connect with God, in the middle of it all. It isn’t that my concerns are no longer important. It’s that my perspective changes. Like the astronauts in space seeing the earth as no larger than a thumbprint, my problems appear small and manageable from the change in perspective God’s presence brings.

When someone loves you, they grace you with their presence. Again grace comes from love. Remember, God Loves You (are you starting to see a trend here?).

So, going to that quiet, sacred space, whether surrounded by people or alone, is essential. God graces me with His presence and suddenly a certain ease or beauty is added to whatever I need to do or whomever I need to be.

Today, my friend was asking me how I am able to write with two young children at home (actually one of them has been vomiting all day), start a coaching business, finish a master’s degree, have hobbies, work from home and be present for my family.

I know that none of this would be possible without Grace. And when one has been Graced, one is able to show grace to others.

I know that it isn’t because I am smart or talented or particularly connected or organized, rich, resourceful, focused, pretty, ambitious and so on…

Whether I am or not, is actually irrelevant. What is important is that I have been graced by God’s presence and that gives me the ability to do what I do in spite of all the chaos swirling around me.

Consider grace defined as “a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward”.

Sometimes I sit down to write about an ideal, the writing sputters and spits, it is halting, my thoughts are disjointed… I pause and pray that I am plugged in to what needs to be written. Then suddenly, I am writing about something completely different and I am in the FLOW. The words come quickly and clearly, smoothly and I know that God has graced me with His presence. I still have to edit like crazy afterwards but grace makes all the difference.

And the wonderful thing about grace is that once you have experienced it, you can show grace to others. You can “decorate or add beauty” to another. You can also practice the ” disposition to act with kindness, courtesy and clemency”.

This is how I see Grace (noun and verb). I will be just fine. I am not alone. And I have everything I need. And I can help others experience it. You are not alone. You have everything you need. How will you practice and embrace grace today?

Practicing Grace:
1. What does Grace mean to you?
2. Which definition resonates most with you? Noun? Verb?
3. How can you embrace Grace today?
4. In what ways can you practice grace today?
5. What does showing grace to others look like for you?
6. 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 says:”But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” ” In what areas of your life do you need grace today?
7. Where is your quiet, sacred space? Can you get there when you need to?

See you next time!

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way, she hopes you will be inspired to live your ideals and ultimately live your calling.