Consistency (Part 2) – Showing up against all odds.

“Consistency is simply unwavering adherence to your principles.” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Sometimes, you are exhausted, sleep deprived, unsure of what to say.

But you made the commitment to show up. So, do you “break the chain”, cancel for now and show up excellently the next time? Or do you show up and give it all you’ve got, even though you can barely keep your eyes open?

How much is consistency worth to you?

For me, it is critical to show up if physically possible and give it my all. It might not be my best work. But it is even more important for me to maintain the consistent rhythm. Or else I know that it would be difficult for me to get back into that specific habit.

So here I am.

How about you? Do you dare show up?

Sometimes it means just sitting at the piano for 2 minutes. Putting on your sneakers and walking to the front door. Placing a stamp on an envelope. Writing one sentence on the computer.

Small, even tiny consistent action is exactly that. Action.

And consistent action adds up. Day by Day. Moment by Moment. That is my commitment today.

How about you?

Practicing Consistency:
1. What challenges keep you from being consistent?
2. What tiny step can you take today to practice consistency?
3. Would you rather show up imperfectly or skip now to show up perfectly next time?

You can live your ideals consistently. You have what it takes to show up and do your best. Just show up, take the first step. And the next. And the next. You can do it. See you next time!

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way (every Monday and Thursday), she hopes you will be inspired to live your ideals and ultimately live your calling.