Hope – You can always find a way forward.

“Find a way” – Diana Nyad

Hope – a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
– an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Wiki)

At 64 years old, Diana Nyad defied all odds to complete her 110 mile swim from Cuba to Florida. Public failures, age, harsh even deadly conditions made her quest a seemingly insurmountable one. But her mantra “Find a way” helped her push past all the barriers to attain her awe-inspiring goal.

What do you do when things do not go as planned? How do you respond to failure?

Dejection, Hopelessness, Despair… Described as the opposites of hope. There three are never far behind when we experience loss, disappointment or failure.

I have always been a future-minded, optimistic, dreamer, hopeful pioneer type. One of my mentors describes me as “visionary”. I succeeded at everything I attempted, even those with the half-hearted efforts.

After an IQ test, I was placed in a pioneer class in a school for the gifted. Got into medical school after applying last minute on a hunch. Did the same for public health school. Had resounding success with my first community service project as an Albert Schweitzer Fellow.

As Oprah says, “Future so bright, it hurts my eyes!”

And then, in 2007, everything changed.

For the next 6 years, disappointment, failure, despair, dejection, hopelessness… Over and over again.

I spent 6 years wandering in a wilderness of sorts. My career had stalled. I couldn’t find a way forward. Since my identity had been so closely tied in with my career, I felt lost. It seemed my life was pulling me in another direction but I couldn’t leave the past behind. I kept trying to go back, to make things right. But it felt like the door was jammed shut. Getting a masters degree did not help.

What do you do when you find yourself with everything you have ever wanted and are still overwhelmed by an emptiness, a restlessness, a sinking uneasy feeling in your soul? What do you do when you feel as if something is missing?

Numb it? Work harder? Distract yourself with entertainment, relationships, shopping?

“May the God of Hope fill you with more joy and Peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ” -Romans 15:13

I turned to God. I was angry. I had worked really hard for 7 years and still could not make my life work. I had no desire to do the work I had trained so hard for. Old dreams still called me. New dreams beckoned. But I had lost my way.

I believe prayer changes things. I asked for help. I was desperate – overflowing with despair. I was ashamed. My peers were thriving professionals and I was still trying to figure things out. Always driven and motivated, I had gotten so used to success that failure was devastating to me. I knew I wanted to live a life aligned with my ideals but I didn’t know how.

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.”- President Snow, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

As I spent more time in reverence, my hope returned and my fears began to fade away away. I knew there was a way. I did not know how I was going to get there. But I knew I would find my way.

This blog is an account of my journey there. I do not know all the answers. I only share lessons from my experiences.

What will I be when I grow up? I don’t know. But I do know that as long as I can “find a way to serve”, like Albert Schweitzer says, I will be fine. This is what keeps me moving forward. Day by day. Moment by moment.

The fears come. But my hope is stronger. As long as I am alive, there is hope.

Same goes for you my friend.

Things might seem dark right now. That situation seems hopeless. You failed at yet another venture. Friends are laughing at you. You feel isolated. Broke. Unpopular. Sick. Confused.

We hang back from attempting our dreams because we have failed over and over again, disappointed ourselves and others… Or, others have broken promises, traumatized, teased, humiliated, excluded, shamed us…

Inadequacies, insecurities plague us… Not thin enough, not talented enough, too old, too young, not smart enough, not educated enough… The list is endless.

That list keeps us from living our ideals. And the world is filled with people living in “quiet desperation”.

Here is the truth. As long as you are alive, there is hope. Your life has a purpose. As long as you are alive, you have something to look forward to. There are countless stories of people achieving the impossible… One thing I know for sure is that there is always a way forward. Connect with God. Show up in your life. Quit crying over spilled milk. Acknowledge your fears. Learn from the mistakes and move on. Take the lessons with you, leave the rest in the past.

Doing these will keep the embers of hope burning.

There is always a way forward. Showing up is the first step.

Practicing hope:
1. What has been the greatest source of hope for you?
2. Have you experienced hopelessness?
3. How can you embody more hope in your life?
4. What small step forward can you take today?
5. What does “Find a way” mean to you?
6. What can you do to serve the hopeless around you?
7. In what ways can you work with an accountability partner to keep you hopeful?

Hope finds a way. Keep your hope alive! See you next time!

Yvonne Whitelaw writes for Yvonnewhitelaw.com where she blogs about her quest to grow into her ideals in her “Live Your Ideals Project”. By sharing her lessons along the way (every Monday and Thursday), she hopes you will be inspired to live your ideals and ultimately live your calling.

3 Thoughts.

    • Thanks for sharing. Glad you enjoyed it. If I can be of assistance in anyway, please let me know. Keep in touch! 🙂

  1. This depicts my current situation. Im glad tp stumble upon your blog. Thank God for using you to minister to my life. 🙂 stay prayed up.

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